What you can do away from the computer…….

Well for my self. I haven’t done much of anything since, well it started when we got this laptop and then got worse when my parents came to help before Ally was born. So this morning I decided that I would only get on the computer when the girls where napping. Which I did just to check my email. In the mean time away from the computer I’m very proud to say that I accomplished……. Putting the mounds of clothes away in ALL 3 rooms; cleaned ALL 3 rooms; cleaned down stairs by putting the piles of stuff away that just didn’t get where it belongs; mopped the floor and vacuumed, which actually made Ally stop crying and then of course start again after I was done. So now I feel like I have a fresh start on things and feel some what better. I haven’t cleaned like this since before my mom came and did the cleaning for me. I got Lazy!!! But I can do it, even with 2 kids. A clean house is soooooooo RELAXING!!!!!!

Published in: on December 13, 2007 at 10:27 pm  Comments (3)  

Dirty Laundry!!!

I will never understand why someone would build a house or apartment without a washer and dryer hook up. Ever had 4 people living in a house and not able to do laundry when they want. Let me tell you it piles up. Its an all day job. Thankfully, the in-laws let us come over and do it here. So I don’t have to spend the money or the time sitting in some laundry mat with the kids. We even had a set when we moved up here but had to give it away. Why did I ever think it would not be a big deal to not have one. Who knows?? The one request I have for next place we live, which better be soon, is a washer and dryer in my own home. Ever had spit up and poopy clothes sit of a week????

Published in: on December 12, 2007 at 7:43 pm  Comments (1)